(864) 271-2232


Until recently, ignition interlock devices didn’t come in to play in first offense Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving with Unlawful Alcohol Concentration (DUAC) cases.

Now, if someone is convicted of a first offense DUI or DUAC and that person provided a breath sample of .15 or higher or refused to provide a breath sample, an ignition interlock device is a mandatory part of the sentence.

Attorney Grant Varner with the Greenville, South Carolina firm of Varner and Segura discusses Section 56-5-2990 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina to talk about what events trigger the requirement for the installation of an ignition interlock device, and he touches on how that also ties in to existing license suspension and route-restricted alcohol licenses.

To read the SC Code Section, click HERE.

If you find yourself in need of professional legal services or require legal representation, contact an attorney like Grant Varner with Varner and Segura. Visit Varner and Segura online at www.VarnerAndSeguraOnline.com or call (864) 271-2232.

NOTE: Nothing above or in the accompanying video is offered as legal advice, and nothing above or in the accompanying video should be construed as a substitute for retained legal advice.

PHOTO CREDIT: Rsheram via Wikimedia Commons / Distributed Under Creative Commons.