When an attorney talks about “discovery,” what does that mean?
It depends on the kind of case you’re talking about.
In a criminal case, a defense attorney will file a motion to obtain copies of all evidence the state will use against a defendant.
In a civil case, the range of materials collected is much broader – whether you’re the plaintiff or defendant.
Attorney Grant Varner with the Greenville, South Carolina firm of Varner and Segura explains discovery and discoverable materials in more detail and why they are important in a trial, mediation, or arbitration situation.
If you find yourself in need of professional legal services or require legal representation, contact an attorney like Grant Varner with Varner and Segura. Visit Varner and Segura online at www.VarnerAndSeguraOnline.com or call (864) 271-2232.
NOTE: Nothing above or in the accompanying video is offered as legal advice, and nothing above or in the accompanying video should be construed as a substitute for retained legal advice.
PHOTO CREDIT: Ian Lamont / Distributed Under Creative Commons.