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Are There Alternatives To Jury Trial?

Are There Alternatives To Jury Trial?

When you’re charged with a crime, you have the right to be judged by a jury of your peers. That’s not the only way for a case to be heard, though. There are a number of alternatives that may include never seeing the inside of a courtroom. What are they,...
It’s Not Just Telephone Harassment

It’s Not Just Telephone Harassment

Has anyone told you to never call them again? Have you said the same thing to somebody else? That used to mean no phone calls or visits, but is that still the case today? We live an electronic age with Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, iMessage, Snapchat, and a list...
How Does the Trial Process Work in South Carolina?

How Does the Trial Process Work in South Carolina?

When someone is arrested, there are a number of things that have to happen for a case to move forward, but it’s important to remember that an arrest doesn’t equal a conviction. Some parts of the trial process have a low standard to meet while others have a...
What to Look for When Selecting a Nursing Home

What to Look for When Selecting a Nursing Home

BY: Jimmy Segura Entrusting your loved one into the care of a nursing home can be a difficult choice. Although he or she cannot be left without care, there are thousands of tales of the abuse and neglect that have taken place in care centers all across America. In...
Elder Abuse is Not a Rare Occurrence

Elder Abuse is Not a Rare Occurrence

BY: Jimmy Segura It may be hard to believe, but ABC News has reported that the elderly are neglected at 1 in 3 nursing homes in America. Don’t let it happen to your loved ones. If you suspect a loved one is being abused or neglected, look for the following signs:...