(864) 271-2232



According to local authorities, a Simpsonville custody battle turned tragic and ended up in premeditated murder.

Varner and Segura’s Grant Varner talked with FOX Carolina’s Andrew Reeser about some verbal indications that a custody dispute could become dangerous.


NOTE: Nothing above is offered as legal advice, and nothing above should be construed as a substitute for retained legal advice. Should you find yourself in need of professional legal services or require legal representation, contact an attorney like Grant Varner with Varner and Segura. Visit Varner and Segura on the web at www.VarnerAndSeguraOnline.com or call (864) 271-2232.

For FOX Carolina’s report, visit: http://goo.gl/oQXJg7
ORIGINAL AIR DATE: January 29, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. EST
©2015 WHNS; Greenville, SC. (A Meredith Corporation Station). All rights reserved.